LAMEEEEEEEEEEEE, still no baby! Went to the doctor yesterday, Im still 2cm and 80% effaced.. HOPEFULLY something will happen this week! The doctor said that if I do make it to next tuesday and Im still 2cm we can talk about inducing if im absolutely dying.. So that is something for me to think about IF i do make it to next week(fingers crossed it just happens!). Plus I know that with gestational diabetes they dont let you go over 40 weeks so I may have to anyways.. We will just see though.
I would rather it happen naturally just for the experience but I truly am getting impatient lol. Also, Niels randomly had a fever of 102 last night, I have no idea where it came from cause he was fine all day and all night then suddenly was like a zombie. Today he hasnt had a fever though, just a little headache. Thank goodness cause I do not need him sick right now!
SO! I have been stumbling lately! I am finding all kinds of tasty treats that I am dying to make but Im not going to till after I have Addison cause they will make my sugar levels out of control! But cheesecake brownies?! Ah! I cant wait to make those, and hopefully I dont screw them up! Annnnd, cinnamon roll pancakes for breakfast, and then for dinner, bacon mac N cheese!
Cant wait! Oh and also, i made a post last week about the snickerdoodle cupcakes, well my step mom tried them out and let me tell you, they were DELICIOUS! TRY EM! You'll thank me :]